Press Release アーカイブ
2023-09-22Press ReleaseArticle entitled "Corrosion behavior of carbon steel covered with a coating film containing metallic compounds under a sulfuric acid mist environment containing chloride” has been published in Materials and Corrosion 2023, 1–10. ( For detail here。
2023-06-07Press ReleaseMasato YAMASHITA, CEO of Kyoto Materials, gave the 27th Go Okamoto Memorial Lecture, entitled "Rust Science and Its Application - Challenge to Rust Design to Protect Steel", at the Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering.
2023-03-05Press ReleaseThe Project for Capacity Development on Bridge Maintenance and Management (JICABMM) invited Dr. Masato YAMASHITA, the guest professor of Osaka University and CEO of Kyoto Materials Co., Ltd. to Laos. Details Here。
2017-12-12Press ReleasePat!naLock® -Σ is released